V i v r e
Vivre Rehabilitation Center nestled in the cliff side of Marseilles, France is designed to facilitate recovery, courage, and strength for those who are succumbed to drug addition. The process of recovery, is formulated into 12 distinct steps.
Through the 12 -Step process of recovery in addition our patients can identify more than there addiction, rather they can finally acknowledge themselves.
There is beauty in imperfection (Principle of Wabi Sabi). When an addict acknowledges the need to change it’s important to design a nurturing environment that will facilitate their growth. Addiction is a very vulnerable state that anyone can experience.
Drug Density Analysis of Marseilles, France
Marseilles, FR Drug Depots in Marseille France
The building facade perforation pattern of the structure is inspired by the drug distribution density map of Marseilles, France. Marseilles has one of the largest drug trades in Europe and continues to grow throughout the urban regions of southern France. The facade is composed of a series of angular steel panels. The perforation sequence of the facade are directly derived from form and pattern created by the density of trade posts in the various regions of Marseilles.
wall detail
As natural light is filtrated through the perforations of the facade its creates a stimulating play of light and shadows. The steel paneled facade is coated in a galvanized zinc compound that helps protect the panels from high levels of solar heat gain, while operating as a passive cooling system. Located along the edge of each panel are tubular heat rods, that absorb energy during the day and power a majority the building.
The sense of movement in a space, deriving from the combination of The Greek words kinisi’ and ‘aisthisi’ has been said to affect the way the individual reacts to the building. Architecture can become a strong determinant in the kinetics of individuals, particularly in the case of people with psychological imbalances such as drug addicts. So the way they are able to physically interact with their surroundings can be said to be decisive in how they adapt to their daily routine in a group community.